Anna Koshmal

Anna Koshmal was born in Kyiv Ukraine on 22 October 1994. Anna Koshmal is 27 years old. The internet does not have any information regarding her parents or siblings. Anna is also Ukrainian origin and adheres to the Christian religion. Anna Koshmal is worth an estimated $2 million. The money she earns comes through various film and television projects. Anna Koshmal further stated that modeling in various magazines is a hobby for her. Anna Koshmal, since her sixth birthday, always fantasized about being an artist. Although she had no idea what she was going to pursue throughout her career Anna Koshmal had a strong determination. As a child she took a variety of arts classes. Anna had vocal lessons and contemporary dance classes. She's also an accomplished painter. Komal has talked about their painting abilities in a number of interviews. Her parents forced her to take part in a drama class named Republic Kids after two months of studying. The actress was successful in having completed the theatre drama class that she attended, to become informed about acting and theater. She continued with pop vocal classes at the Faculty of Music and Management under L. I. Utyosov. Following her graduation from the Faculty of Music, she was subsequently selected for a role in a movie with a casting group. The story goes as follows: Anna Koshmal had just turned 17 when Kvartal 95 Studio contacted her. Anna Koshmal was contacted while she was studying at Republic Kids. Studio agents saw her as a gifted actor. However, she had no idea what character she was auditioning for, when the casting agents called her. She was only required to sing a few songs, and perform a small number of vocals before an agent from the casting agency. Her agency approved her almost quickly. Her first acting gig was on Match Makers a television comedy show.

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